Google Pay Personal Loan : Friends, if you want to take a loan, forget that you need to visit banks or other financial institutions to take a personal loan. Because now you can easily get instant personal loan from ₹10000 to ₹50000 at home. In this article, we have brought you information about Google Pay Personal Loan, where we are going to tell you the complete process of how to apply for a personal loan online from Google Pay.
Google Pay Personal Loan
You must be using Google Pay. It is an application that provides online banking services through which you can easily perform various types of transactions. But most people don’t know that Google Pay also offers personal loans. If you don’t know about it then don’t worry as we have brought this article to provide information about it.
We would like to inform you that you can apply for a personal loan with Google Pay from the comfort of your home and get a maximum loan of up to 5 lakh rupees. No more documents are required for this. You can avail loan only with KYC document.
What is the purpose of Google Pay Personal Loan?
Google Pay Personal Loan aims to provide easy loan availability by eliminating the need for lengthy procedures followed by banks. Citizens who need a small loan can get a loan from Google Pay. Google Pay offers loans to users on very simple terms and conditions and individuals can easily repay these loans in small installments.
Google Pay Personal Loan Interest Rate
Customers will get interest rate information while applying for a Google Pay Personal Loan loan. Because the interest rate for these loans is determined based on the customer’s job profile, income profile and other credit history. However, interest rates on Google Pay personal loans can typically range from 14% to 36% per annum.
Google Pay Personal Loan Repayment Period
If you apply for a personal loan on Google, depending on your eligibility, you may be given 3 to 5 years to repay the loan.
Google Pay Personal Loan Eligibility
Before applying for a Google Pay personal loan, match your eligibility with the terms and conditions below and ensure that you fall within the following eligibility criteria before you can get a personal loan on Google –
- Google Pay Personal Loan Must have Indian citizenship.
- The applicant should have a good CIBIL score for this loan.
- Applicant’s age is between 21 years to 57 years, So you can get a personal loan on Google.
- Employed or self-employed people, i.e. those who have a source of income, will be eligible for this loan.
- For this it is mandatory for the applicant to link his bank account with Aadhaar card.
What documents are required for Google Pay personal loan?
Customers who want to apply for this personal loan, let them know that you will need some necessary documents to take the loan, the list of which is as follows-
- Aadhaar Card
- PAN card
- mobile no
- Last 6 months bank statement
- 3 months salary slip
- Passport size photograph
- Email ID etc.
Only after verification of these documents, the loan amount will be transferred to your bank account through Google Pay, so check if the above documents are available with you.
How to avail Google Pay Personal Loan (Apply Google Pay Personal Loan Online)
Next we have described the application process for taking Google Pay Personal Loan step by step. By following these simple steps, you can easily take a loan from Google Pay –
- First open the Google Play Store in the mobile and then download the application.
- After downloading the app, open it and sign up with your email id and mobile number.
- After signing up, you need to link your bank account with Google Pay.
- Then the dashboard of the app will open, click on the “Business & Bills” option below.
- After clicking here, select the “Google Pay Loan” option.
- Now after doing this, Google Pay loan application form will open, this form has to be filled carefully without any mistakes.
- After filling all the information, OTP has to be verified through Aadhaar linked mobile number.
- After OTP verification, the form has to be submitted by clicking on submit option.
- After this, Google Pay will check your eligibility and show you which loan you are eligible for, here you can get loan from ₹10000 to ₹50000.
- You can select the loan you wish to take, after this select the EMI and complete the application process.